Correction of Mal Aligned Teeth

Correction of Mal Aligned Teeth

With the cosmetic industry growing enormously, it has become essential to look good and feel beautiful. And with so many options available then how is it possible that one does not look great! Well, we all take good care our body and mind, but at times neglect our smile because of various dental reasons, but mainly due to misaligned teeth. All one needs to do for that killer smile is to get Braces New York fixed. Thanks to the advancement of cosmetic industry, now is able to regain that smile back.

Although growing parental awareness and their own self-consciousness, results in more and more children undergoing orthodontic treatment, it is not limited to children. Adult orthodontics is not only possible, but common …with astounding results. Straightening your teeth enhances your appearance and self-image and can improve your health.

Straight teeth are more commonly healthier than crooked or crowded teeth since they are much easier to clean and maintain. People with straight teeth are less prone to tooth decay and gum disease. Orthodontic treatment also corrects the bite and, in growing children, jaw position, and plays an important role in reducing tooth wear and stress on the jaw joints. In adults, treatment can range from simple therapy, aligning one or more teeth, to complex therapy correcting misaligned jaws. Thus …orthodontics can enhance your smiles as well as improve your long-term dental health, function, and facial profile.

Before commencing treatment, a comprehensive treatment plan is formulated using X-rays and stone models of your teeth. Whether for a simple minor tooth movement or for a comprehensive treatment please make an appointment through our Call-Back Service for a consultation to discuss your options and the costs involved.

Root Canal Treatment (R.C.T)

A root canal is a capillary, which runs from the base of the root of the tooth to the middle of the crown (the visible part of the tooth). The root canal carries the pulp (a network of blood and nerve cells), which brings the tooth to life.The nerve of the tooth gets damaged due to many reasons. One of the main causes is cavity in the tooth that grows deeper and touches the nerve. Since the cavity is filled with bacteria, the root canal gets inflamed and causes pain. Other reasons that may damage the teeth are accidental cracks or infection from gums reaching to the base of roots. In such cases, root canal treatments can easily stabilize the position.

Root canal treatments is one name that gives many patients shivers when told about it. However, in reality, it is not that bad. Infact, it is an instant pain reliever and the best treatment to retain the original teeth. A Root canal treated tooth serves its purpose and function just as a healthy tooth.

  • What is root canal ?
  • What is Root canal Treatment ?
  • How does a root canal get infected ?
  • How can I know if I require Root Canal Treatment ?
  • Is Root Canal Treatment painful ?
  • How is the Root Canal treatment Procedure carried out ?
  • What is Single-Sitting RCT Procedure ?
  • What is Multiple-Sitting RCT Procedure ?

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